Hello, lovelies. Ghanima released a new dress yesterday called, appropriately I think, Ethereal. It is a colorful dress, embellished with exquisite hand drawn/painted feathers. Plus, the outfit can be worn either as a dress or as a bloomers suit, and of course all the clothing comes on every possible layer for your mixing and matching pleasure.

Whitegoth Fatpack

Darkgoth Fatpack
The outfit comes in both whitegoth or darkgoth versions, as shown above in Red, Gold, BlueGreen, BluePink, and the group only PurpleGreen. As always, Blue Blood Group members can buy the fatpacks for 50% off. Be sure to activate your group tag.
Outfit - +++BLUE BLOOD+++
Hair - ***DP*** yumyum
Skin - Trap
Poses - Oracul
Shoes - Bax Coen