Sunday, September 19, 2010

+++Blue Blood+++ New Release - Tori

Ghani released a new outfit yesterday and its name is versatility. Well, not really. Its name is Tori, but it is very versatile. Tori falls under the category of fantasy wear and is quite unusual.
Take a look.

The colored parts are sooo shiny! As always, the outfit is custom hand drawn and painted by Ms. Uriza, and the sculpts were custom-made for this outfit as well. Tori comes in ten gorgeous jewel-tone colors - five for the white and five for the black. The dark colors are black, ocre, red, purple, and teal, and the white colors are black and white, ocre, purple, red, and teal. The special colors for +++Blue Blood+++ Group members are the darkgoth black and the white goth black and white. Group members also receive 50% off on the fatpacks, as well. Non group members can purchase the special colors, but only as part of the fatpacks, and at full price. So, join the group! We'd love to have you!

Outfits by Blue Blood
Skin by Nightshade
Boots by Bax Coen
Poses by Analu Fresh Poses
Hair by Curio (Hair Fair)

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