Monday, August 13, 2012

Nadine by +Blue Blood+

Yay! Ghani has brought her skills to the mesh department! Yes you heard me MESH! There is a new cute little mesh dress at +Blue Blood+ that comes in 5 colors and at least one of them is calling your name!

This cute but punky dress comes in Standard Mesh sizing XXS to L and needs a mesh enabled viewer to be able to see it. There are demos available too try and an alpha layer in included to make sure your favorite shape fits nicely into this dress. I don't know about you but this dress tells me it is time to get my flirt on!

And as always we must give credit where it is due for these gorgeous ads!

Outfit by +Blue Blood+
Skin by Red Grave
Hair by Magika
Boots by lassitude & ennui

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