Today +++BLUE BLOOD+++ releases the WhiteGoth versions of Carmina, featuring dreamy white fabrics, combined with pastels and black, to make your avatar look simply elegant. Everything has been hand drawn with great care and attention to detail, and each outfit comes with 22 pieces: this includes all 3 skirt types, plus all clothing layers on all possible layers and combinations, so you can make the most out of your outfit... as you know, a +++BLUE BLOOD+++ outfit is never just one outfit, but several outfits in one.
Here you can see the colors offered this week:

Remember that group members get to purchase the group only color (this week B&W) plus 50% discount on the fatpack
Get these and much much more awesomeness at
+++BLUE BLOOD+++ MainstoreCREDITS:
Outfits by
+++BLUE BLOOD+++Hair by Gauze
Skin by Trap
Shoes by !BAX
Poses by AnaLu
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