Hi, there! No, it's not Ghanima. It's me, Desiree Debruyere, and I will be bringing you the latest news from Blue Blood. You may have seen my posts on the various feeds or at my home blog, acquisitive,
here. I've been a rather sporadic blogger, but that should change now. This is my first post here, and it's still a test post. I confess I'm having a bit of trouble transferring my Wordpress skills to Blogger. :/ But, on with the actual post....
As most of you know, Ghanima puts a random outfit on sale for L$29 on xstreet about once per week. Here's the latest, Goth Diva (Bluegreen), which comes with two skirts - ballgown and dolly - plus the shirt, socks, underpants, sculpt sleeves, shoes, hat, and the cane. Quite a deal! Please click to see the images larger. :)

This is a limited time special, so hurry or you may miss it! Get it here.
Also worn:
Skin - Heartsick - Amor E Morte - Illusion - Haunted Shores
Eyes - Shine - Lustrous Argent
Hair - analog dog - Noel red (freeball) (tinted silver with HUD)
Necklace and Earrings - Aether Life Shop - Fantasy Bird Noir set