Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sale at +++BLUE BLOOD+++

Hi, everyone, Ghanima is having a 50% off sale on items on the second floor of the +++BLUE BLOOD+++ main store. But only until the end of the week, after which some of the outfits will return to their original prices, while others will disappear forever to make room for new outfits. This is an excellent opportunity for you to snag some beautiful goth clothes at a substantial discount - nothing is over L$150. Here's your taxi to the 2nd floor. :)

I apologize for the lack of photos here, but Blogger really doesn't like me. I can't seem to get my photos the right size tonight. :/ So, I posted lots of lovely, big, fat pictures on my blog over here for your viewing pleasure. Hope to see you there. :)) *mwah*!

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