here I'm wearing tons of piercings... and I must say, I didn't like piercings on me until Chikane showed me the ones she designs, I just love them! plus I look hardcore badass witht them on! lol
Cobrahive has tons of piercings for you to choose from, all of them original and will adjust toy uor ace perfectly
plus they are only one attachment, so you odn't end up wasting all your face attachments on piercings.
The hot Blonde hair is by
Philotic Energy, they have great hair, I loved everything by them at the hair Fair

the boots and outfit are from
+++BLUE BLOOD++++ and grrrr they look hot with that hair and piercings! I swear yopu kick someone with those killer boots and it's a knockout LOL
Cobrahive*Armlets, collar and bracelets
Cobrahive*Hair - Courtnay BlondeBlack tipped
Philotic Energy*Boots - Hardcore Stiletto Boots
+++BLUE BLOOD++++*Outfit - Lasombra Red
+++BLUE BLOOD++++*Skin - Porcelana Rouge Natural Red
+++BLUE BLOOD++++*AO - Vixen AO
Ana Mations