I had the pleasure of meeting this lovely young women for here interview after she won the contest and I have to say she is very unique indeed. I love meeting people who create there own style and know what they want and go after it and that is something I saw in Ivy. She is working hard to persue her career in Photography.
Moniquea Heartsdale: Hello Ivy is a pleasure to meet you.
Ivy Krautrauch: I am honored anyone wants to interview me.
Moniquea Heartsdale: we are pleased to have you repersent Blue Bloods. How did you hear about the contest?
Ivy Krautrauch: I read a few Blogs and in my Entry for hair fair thought I would let Ghanima know I was wearing one of her dresses!
Moniquea Heartsdale: What dress did you wear?
Ivy Krautrauch: I wore Stuka a plaid Lavender dress with Lavender hair.
Moniquea Heartsdale: Thats a very pretty dress
Ivy Krautrauch: its now in a 50L box at the store.
Moniquea Heartdale: what do you look for in good skin in SL?
Ivy Krautrauch: one thing I look for in skin is how the eyebrows are done,my skintone is very light in RL and a harsh brow can really make me look evil!
Moniquea Heartsdale: I agree
Ivy Krautrauch: so I look for lighter eyebrows, ones that don't look drawn.
Moniquea Heartsdale: wow I think lots need beauty tips from you. You have great advice I like they same things in my skins.
Ivy Krautrauch: lighter brows also go better with a wide variety of haiorcolors.
Moniquea Heartsdale: So I imagine you change your hair lots?
Ivy Krautrauch: yes I am a hair nut!!
Ivy Krautrauch: I have very curly hair in RL.
Moniquea Heartsdale: I have natural curl as well and often flatten it.
Ivy Krautrauch: so I go nuts for cruly & frizzy hair when it is done well.
Ivy Krautrauch: I am putting the wig I have on right now in the hair fair too.
Moniquea Heartsdale: Also puts a note for Gahni to try Curly hair!!
Moniquea Heartsdale: Looks forward to attending the hair fair.
Ivy Krautrauch: For curly hair I like Bishwear and Curve Appeal!!
Ivy Krautrauch: I haven't gotten any bargains from them but for my money they do the best work.
Moniquea Heartsdale: do you have any suggestions or comments for Ghanima or Blue bloods.
Ivy Krautrauch: mm yes I think I do have one,a tip for photographing darker colors
Ivy Krautrauch: look for lighter backgrounds and high-contrast areas
Ivy Krautrauch: make sure you use as many facelights as you need
Moniquea Heartsdale: ok will be sure to pass that on thanks.
Ivy Krautrauch: photography is the one place you should not care how many lights you use.
Moniquea Heartsdale: well congrats on being the winner and I am glad to have such a great person helping us repersent Blue bloods
[13:01] Ivy Krautrauch: thank you :-)
[13:01] Ivy Krautrauch: and I aam very honored as well
[13:01] Moniquea Heartsdale: your welcome.
Moniquea Heartsdale: thanks so much for your time
Moniquea Heartsdale: it was a pleasure meeting you
Ivy Krautrauch: thank you so much it's been a pleasure
Ivy Krautrauch: bye for now :-)